Eliminate Garment Odour and Sanitise it with Laundry Machines

It is never a pleasant experience to wear clothes that are fresh from the dryer but still exude a strong odour. Moreover, the current Pandemic has taken us down the road of hygiene diligently, and now a customer does not just expect clean clothes that are odour free but also sanitised.

And why not? Sanitisation is an essential requirement that keeps us protected against germs. If you own a large-scale laundry machine to be used in industry or Hospital, this factor holds even more importance.

But how does a washing machine disinfect your clothes while eliminating the odour? To understand this, one must first know what causes odour.

Few factors contribute to the unpleasant smell in your garments:

Cooler Wash Cycles in the Washing Machine

Even though cooler wash cycles are environmentally friendly, they do not get rid of the dust or dirt completely, and that residue tends to harden more in cool water. This leads to odour issues in the garment.

Larger Washing Machines

A common problem with large-scale machines such as Garment Industrial laundry machines or Hospital Laundry machines is the odour in the washed garments. This happens because, in a giant machine, the clothes tend to pile up and sit for a longer duration. This makes the odour penetrate the garment deeper that sometimes remains on the fabric even after the wash.

Unclean Washing Machines

Whether it is commercial laundry equipment or a large-scale washing machine, they start smelling weird over time. This smell easily transfers to the garments. This happens to the gradual build-up of residue, bacteria, or moulds that cause odour. And this is not it; alongside the funny odour, it is also unsanitary that comes with its share of germs to pass on to the one wearing those clothes.

So, it becomes vital to clean a washing machine thoroughly after a standard period to ensure no mould or residue builds up in the machine.

How to take care of the Laundry Machine?

  1. Bacterias thrive in cold climates, and washing your laundry machine with cold water will not do much to sanitise the machine, and the garments would still be prone to both odour and germs. So, even though lower temperature fabric washing or machine cleaning can be environmentally friendly, it is not hygienic. This is especially true for Garment Industrial laundry machines or hospital laundry machines that deploy large-scale fabric cleaning.
  2. Therefore, besides using the detergent, make sure you use slightly warm water and disinfectant while garment washing. For machine cleaning, use a laundry cleaner and sanitiser every once in a while or every two months, depending upon the cycles of machine usage, to make sure the machine is thoroughly clean.
  3. There is a myth that surrounds people that the more soap you use, the more clean and sanitised your clothes will come out of the washing machine. However, using more suds only builds up as residue in the wash cycle, which is not entirely removed and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and moulds. This also increases the odour of the garments and brings down the hygienic level of your fabric.

What is the right way to wash your clothes in laundry equipment?

There are several commercial laundry equipment and an industrial machine that are available with cutting-edge features. While the machine's quality and usage are an important factor that decides the cleanliness and germ-free fabric, how you wash the garments is also a vital consideration here.

To make sure the garments come out of the machine clean and sanitised, follow the few simple tips:

Act at the Instant

Put your dirty laundry in the laundry equipment as soon as it needs cleaning. For the industrial or Hospital laundry machine, it becomes even more important because a bigger pile of clothes kept for some time directly correlates to the odour and germs

Also, try to put the laundry in a breathable laundry bag to allow some space for air to get in, which is a natural odour remover.

Turn the garments inside out

To prevent fabric wear and tear, turn the garments inside out before putting them inside the washing machine whenever possible.

Load the right amount of garments

Never overload your laundry equipment, whether commercial or industrial. Overloading restricts the complete elimination of unpleasant smells from the garments and also breeds bacteria or moulds.

A second wash cycle cannot harm

If you feel that the smell in the garments persists, give them another go in the washing machine to remove the odour completely. Once done, let them dry in the air. Natural air-dry clothes tend to have no smell than machine-dried clothes.

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